
About Topography

Topography of terrain of any complexity

Topography of terrain of any complexity

Inventory of land plots and infrastructure elements

Executive survey of underground utilities (gas pipelines, water pipelines, sewerage systems)

Coordination of underground networks

Street passport

Topographic survey of the area on a scale of 1: 500-1: 2000

Monitoring of railway pavement and tracks

Topographic survey of roads

Topographic survey (topographic survey) is a complex work on the creation of terrain plans, topographic maps, street passports, etc. A topographic plan (topographic plan) is a flat drawing, most often in dwg format. All infrastructure elements, green spaces, individual trees, buildings and structures, objects of the road or street network, water bodies, utilities, terrain and other details are applied to the topographic plan, using special designations. Topographic survey can be in different scales 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000, 1: 5000.

Based on the topographic survey, you can build a digital terrain model.

In our work we use classic geodetic equipment and a Gexcel Heron MS2 mobile scanner. A mobile scanner allows you to get a topographic plan several times faster, with greater detail and will not miss a single element of the infrastructure and changes in the elevation of the relief.

Stages of work

First stage

preparatory, when the specialist receives the necessary information about the object with which he has to work. At the same stage, the selection of positions for installing the scanner takes place.

Second phase

is the direct collection of information using appropriate equipment

Third stage

processing of the obtained data, as well as the creation and provision of the work result in a form convenient for the customer with a full analysis of dimensions.

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